Community Art
Govans Urban Forest
The projects below represent an ongoing collaborative public greening initiative between Loyola service-learning students in Professor Billy Friebele’s Public Art classes and members of the Public Spaces and Greening Committee of the York Road Partnership community.
Members of the Govans Public Space & Greening of the York Road Partnership met with Loyola students in Professor Billy Friebele’s Public Art class, explained their mission, and what they hoped to accomplish with Govans Urban Forest. Students then worked in teams to develop detailed proposals, presented these materials to the committee, and listened to feedback. The groups fabricated and installed sustainable public art projects in Govans Urban Forest by the end of the semester.
Welcoming the Community into Govans Urban Forest
May 2019
Student Participants: Wes Contrino, Jasmine Wiggins, Caitlin Lonergan, and David Fink
Members of the Govans Public Space & Greening collaborated with Loyola students in Professor Billy Friebele’s Public Art class. Through this partnership, the class created beehives and insect hotels to help improve the ecological well-being of the forest. Over the last 41 years, insect populations have decreased by 45% worldwide. Contributing factors include habitat loss, pollution and the widespread use of pesticides. The introduction of a beehive and insect hotels to this space aims at combating this issue by creating sanctuaries for pollinating insects.
Preserving Insects in Govans Urban Forest
May 2019
Student Participants: Nathalie Walker, Tori Matrini, Tonia Murphy, Emily Seeberger, and Marie Louis-Charles